
  • Angelina Elisabet Program Studi Diploma Tiga Kebidanan,Politekes Kemenkes Bandung, Indonesia
  • Riana Pascawati Program Studi Diploma Tiga Kebidanan, Poltekes Kemenkes Bandung
  • Titi Legiati Program Studi Diploma Tiga Kebidanan, Poltekes Kemenkes Bandung
  • Kurniaty Ulfah Program Studi Diploma Tiga Kebidanan, Poltekes Kemenkes Bandung


Music Therapy, labor Pain, Midwifery Care


Labor describes a situation where the intensity of pain increases so that the mother can feel it. The pain felt during contractions is related to the degree and uniformity of cervical dilatation and the lower segment of the uterus which can cause interference in the progress of labor. Various types of non-pharmacological pain management such as music therapy can distract and provide a relaxing effect that is useful for reducing pain in labor. The writing of this article on the effect of music therapy on laboring mothers. EBCR writing is by searching for evidence through databases from PUBMED and Google Scholar. The keywords used were "Effect", "Music Therapy", "Labor Pain". The search for articles was limited by the inclusion criteria of articles published in the last 10 years, RCTs, Meta-Analysis, in the form of full text articles, and in accordance with clinical statements. This evidence-based report aims to determine the effect of music therapy on pain intensity in laboring mothers at the Garuda Health Center. Two research articles were found using the randomized control trial (RCT) and Meta-Analysis methods by Annarita, et al and Rocio, et al that met the inclusion criteria and were screened and critically analyzed. Based on two journals that both show 2 evidence that music therapy has an effect in reducing labor pain. After a critical review, the research was declared valid and could be applied to patients. Music therapy is applied to women in labor phase I latent phase and it is found that the intensity of pain is reduced using the VAS scale from 7 to scale 4, then given back music therapy in the active phase and the results of the VAS scale are on a scale of 7 to scale 6. Music therapy can be used as a distraction, relaxation, and a sense of comfort and can change the way mothers perceive pain during labor. The application of music therapy can be an effective complementary therapy to help reduce pain in labor. The use of music therapy is recommended as an alternative in overcoming pain in laboring mothers.


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