gel, Hand Sanitizer, characteristics test, Moringa oleifera LamkAbstract
One of the clean living behaviors in preventing the transmission of Covid-19 is to maintain hand hygiene, both by washing hands with soap and by using a hand sanitizer. Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lamk) is a potential plant that can be developed as a pharmaceutical preparation in the form of hand sanitizer gel; because it contains various secondary metabolite compounds such as flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, and saponins that are able to provide antibacterial effects. This study aims to determine the characteristics of Moringa leaf ethanol extract hand sanitizer gel to obtain qualified preparations. The research method used is an quasi-experimental method with completely randomized design with variations in extract concentration; F1 (0.625%), F2 (1.25%), F3 (2.5%), F4 (5%) and F5 (10%), with observations of the characteristics of each formula. The results showed that all five formulas had good organoleptic properties and homgenity. The colors of the five formulas are different, ranging from brownish-yellow to dark brown. The pH of the F1-F4 formula is in the skin pH range (4.5-7), while the pH of F5 is 4.1 ± 0.047 below the skin pH range. The dispersion of the five formulas is also in the range of 5-7 cm; adhesion not less than 1 second; viscosity is in the range of 2,000 – 4,000 cP; and the average grinding speed of the five formulas when applied to the skin, ranging from 6-8 seconds. Data analysis with the One Way ANOVA test (α=0.05) showed that there were significant differences (sig. > 0.05) between formulas, both in the tests of dispersion, viscosity, adhesion and grinding speed. Based on the evaluation results, it can be concluded that formula 1 to 4 met the criteria for making gel preparation
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