The iceberg phenomenon of internet addiction in adolescent is now increasingly worrying. One of the efforts made to reduce the impact adolescent internet addiction is by rehabilitating teenagers' thoughts and behavior through counseling or therapy. The internet addiction rehabilitation technique used in teenagers is thought and behavior therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy. This systematic review aims to examine the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy in recovering from internet addiction in adolescents. A systematic review was carried out on the Science Direct, Proquest , Scopus, Sage Journal and Springer Link databases with searches carried out between September-November 2023. Articles were filtered according to the inclusion criteria in the form of full text articles, in English, and published between 2015 and 2023. The articles were critically assessed using criteria from the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). The initial search results obtained 3,793 articles, and after filtering using inclusion criteria, 10 articles were obtained that met the aim of the article review. Based on the 10 articles that have been reviewed, it was found that cognitive behavior therapy has been proven to be effective in recovering from internet addiction in adolescent. Cognitive behavioral therapy must be well designed by providing support to adolescent and instilling positive behavior to help clients of internet addiction recurrence.
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