Low Self-esteem, Peer Support, Positive affirmationsAbstract
Adolescent is one of the largest age groups in Indonesia. Adolescence is a volatile period to experiencing mental health problems, a transition period from childhood to adults who are looking for their identity in choosing life decisions, in the next period of development they have to choose a principle of life. The most common mental health problems in adolescents are anxiety, major depression, behavioural disorders, PTSD and ADHD. Nevertheless, remains a very few adolescents who try to seek professional help. We carried out 5 female adolescents age 15-16 years, who were combined into one group to give positive affirmation techniques and the use of peer support. Pre-test and post-test measurements used the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale (RSES) instruments. We provide positive affirmation therapy embarks with providing information directly using the website namely rehat.site and problem solving sharing sessions with peers group. Mentoring was carried out by psychiatric nurse facilitators for two weeks through a WhatsApp group. The results showed that scores before intervention on RSES measurements was 80% students experienced low self-esteem, 20% students had moderate self-esteem. After giving intervention for 2 weeks there is a different score showed for RSES that 60% of students had moderate and 40% had high self-esteem. In addition, changes of self-confidence also lead to more positive outcomes.
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