
  • Nurizati Ismi Awaliyah Program Studi Sarjana Farmasi, Fakultas Kesehatan, Universitas Sari Mulia, Indonesia
  • Melviani Melviani Program Studi Pendidikan Profesi Apoteker, Fakultas Kesehatan, Universitas Sari Mulia, Indonesia
  • M. Fajriannor . TM Program Studi Diploma Empat Promosi Kesehatan , Fakultas Kesehatan, Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Saftya Aryzki Program Studi Sarjana Farmasi, Fakultas Kesehatan, Universitas Sari Mulia, Indonesia


Ability to pay, Expenditure, factors, Income, Self-medication


The problem of health financing is the main key in a health system in various countries. Out of pocket expenditures are direct expenditures incurred by households for health services, including costs for consulting doctors, purchasing medicines, retribution for health services, alternative or traditional medicine, gratuities or payments in kind to health practitioners or health facilities. Knowing ATP (Ability to pay) and the factors that influence the community in the East Banjarmasin region The research method used is an analytic observational method with a cross sectional design. This cross sectional design was used to study the relationship between risk factors (independent), namely the costs incurred to buy drugs and effect factors (dependent), namely the ability to buy drugs, with variable measurements. This research was carried out in February 2021 with a research instrument in the form of a form sheet to look at the factors that influence ATP (Ability to pay) in the East Banjarmasin District. The average expenditure for buying medicine for the respondents in this study was at most below IDR 50,000.00. This is line with the respondents ATP (Ability to pay) in this study which is under the national ATP (Ability to pay). The average ATP (Ability to pay) for the people of the East Banjarmasin to buy medicine independently is IDR 90,000.00. Significant factors affect ATP (Ability to pay): marital status, education, expenses, sources of information, willingness to save money and amount of money saved.


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