Acitaved Carbon, BOD, COD, Industrial WasteAbstract
Dyeing sasirangan cloth in the sasirangan industry uses dyes made from harmful chemicals that can cause BOD and COD contamination. Reduction of BOD and COD levels can use adsorption from activated carbon jasmine water. Activated carbon can be taken from plants that contain cellulose such as water jasmine by 64.51%. To determine the effectiveness and differences in variations in the length of exposure to activated carbon jasmine water (Echinodorus polifolius) in reducing BOD and COD levels in sasirangan fabric industrial waste with variations in control time, time 30, 60, and 120 minutes. Activation for activated carbon by heating HCl 1M at 100oC, then filtered while tested to obtain a neutral pH. After that, activated carbon is dried by oven. Activated carbon is treated with wastewater with different time variations and then measured for BOD and COD levels using the titration method. The results of measuring BOD and COD levels in samples before treatment were 102 mg L-1 and 1476.3 mg L-1. Decreased levels of BOD and COD respectively is <0.28 mg L-1, 9.4 mg L-1, 2.2 mg L-1 and 506.2 mg L-1, 646.8 mg L-1, 534.3 mg L-1. The percentage decrease in BOD and COD levels at 30, 60, and 120 minutes was 100%, 91%, 98% and 65.71%, 56.19%, 63,81%. The highest absorption with a contact time of 30 minutes was 100% at BOD levels and 65.71% at COD levels with a decrease of <0.28 mg L-1 or 0 (zero) and 506.2 mg L-1.
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