Satisfaction Of Antenatal Care To Try Delivery And Postpartum Care On Universal Health Insurance


  • Indrayadi Indrayadi Akper kesdam VI/Tanjung pura Banjarmasin
  • Muhammad Husni Akper kesdam VI/Tanjung pura Banjarmasin


Antenatal care, Childbirth assurance (Jampersal), Satisfaction level


Maternal health remains an ongoing public health challenge in Indonesia. In particular, postpartum complications are considered a priority maternal health issue that must be handled. To assist with postpartum complications, the Indonesian government has implemented a childbirth assurance program (Jampersal). Antenatal care is the initial stage in determining the customer’s continuity in continuing the Jampersal program, thus it is important to measure customer satisfaction at this stage. The objective of this study was to find out the overview of the level of customer satisfaction with the childbirth assurance program (Jampersal) in antenatal care services. This type of study was descriptive with a point time approach. The population used all customers of the childbirth assurance program in the working area of the Public Health Center of Kelayan Timur in 2011. The sample was determined using a total sampling technique, including all customers of the 2011 childbirth assurance program. The results of the study showed that most of the level of customer satisfaction was high with a total of 9 people (13.6%), while 47 people (71.2%) indicated moderate satisfaction and 10 people (15.2%) indicated low satisfaction. It is important to improve the quality of antenatal care and the main strategy to make the Jampersal program successful.


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