Effect of Bangkal Leaf Extract (Nauclea subdita) on the Lungs of Test Animals Exposed to Forest Fire Smoke : Literature Review


  • Shofi Maulana Sari Mulia University
  • Dyan Fitri Nugraha Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Liliana Swastina


, Antioxidant, Bangkal leaf, Flavonoids, URTI, Forest fire, Free radical


Forest fires occur almost every year in Indonesia, especially during the extreme dry season. The smoke from forest fires causes health problems in the community, especially problems with the respiratory tract. To determine the effect of bangkal leaf extract as an antioxidant on test animals exposed to forest fire smoke to support the government in reducing the incidence of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI) due to forest and land fires. Writing articles with the Literature Review design, a literature search, both national and international, through journal sites indexed by SINTA and SCOPUS. There were 383 scientific articles found and then screened so that 12 scientific papers were selected to do a literature review. Leaf extract of the bangkal plant can be used as an antioxidant because it contains flavonoid compounds. After being tested for the leaves of the bangkal plant's antioxidant, the results showed IC50 79.62 ppm with ethanol solvent and IC50 10 ppm with methanol solvent. This indicates that the leaves of the bangkal plant have an intensity as an antioxidant. The effect was tested by a histopathological test on the lungs of the test animals. The dose of flavonoids used as antioxidants to scavenge free radicals in the body is 500 - 1000 mg/day. The study shows that the extract of bangkal leaf can be useful as a treatment URTI because it contains flavonoids that can be used as antioxidants.


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