tibia fibula fracture, pre-hospital immobilization.Abstract
Immobilization in a fracture has the goal of straightening the injured limb to maintain its position as anatomically as possible. Usually, the fracture of the tibial fibula uses cardboard, metal gutter, and long leg splints, and casts. However, not all ordinary people have this equipment at home, so people cannot immobilize when an accident occurs until medical personnel comes to the scene. If people use banana stalks, of course, they can immediately immobilize while waiting for medical personnel to come to the location. The Aim is to determine the effectiveness of banana stalks to immobilize the mannequin of the tibial fibular fracture. Methods for this study used a pre-experimental method, and the type of research design was Static Group Comparison Design, one group that would receive treatment (x) and one group as a comparison (-). The results is that the manufacturer's splint did not change the degree angle, which was still in the 1800-degree position. Meanwhile, the banana stalk experienced a change in degree angle of 90 to 1710 on the observation for 1 hour every 10 minutes. The results obtained after a statistical test using the Mann Whitney test resulted in a p-value of 0.003. With a value (p-value 0.003 <α 0.05), it means that there is a significant difference in angle changes in the modified mannequin medium for tibial fibular fracture within 1 hour between. The conclusion is that  the ambulance staff should not be in a hurry to remove the banana splint because the banana stalk can support the fracture for ± 1 hour because the shift experienced by the banana stalk for 1 hour is only 90 for use in the community.References
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