
  • Mutia Sylvana School of nursing, lambung mangkurat university
  • L. Oski
  • W. Abdurrahman


Femur Fracture, Immobilization, Banana Midrib


Fracture of the femur is an emergency condition that has a high risk of complications and even death. Factors causing femoral fractures vary from traumatic and non-traumatic events. This incident can happen anywhere and anytime, so there needs to be an alternative that can be used as an emergency splint in pre-hospital action while waiting for medical assistance.
Objective: To measure the ability of the banana midrib to immobilize the femur.
Methods: This study used a pre-experimental method with a Static Group Comparison Design. This study has two groups used in this study, one group that will receive treatment (x) and one group as a comparison (-) and then the results are observed. Result: The factory splint did not change the angle i.e. 1800-1800 for 1 hour. The following is a graph of the change in the degree angle of the factory splint attached to the Femur fracture mannequin media while the banana midrib experienced a decrease in the degree angle from 180o in the 0th minute to 1730 at the 40th minute after the 50th minute there was a change in the angle of 1720 after the 60th minute the angle changed of 1700.
Conclusion: The factory splint did not experience a change in the angle of degrees, namely from the initial angle of 1800 after 1 hour the angle of degree remained 1800. While the banana midrib experienced a change in the angle of degrees from the initial angle of 1800 after 1 hour it decreased to 1700. Where there was a difference in the decrease of 100 by the midrib banana.


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