Preserving the Local Culture of Sasirangan Batik in Kertak Hanyar 2 Village with Healthy Production


  • Darini Kurniawati Sari Mulia University
  • Nur Hidayah Sari Mulia University


Sasirangan, Local Culture, Dyes, Pollution


Kertak Hanyar 2 Village, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan has the potential to be developed as a village of Sasirangan batik craftsmen, preserving local culture. There are 30 Sasirangan batik craftsmen who produce traditional batik, done by human hands, from making motifs, coloring, dyeing, drying and selling. The majority of craftsmen still dispose of the dyeing waste of Sasirangan batik under wooden houses or in the surrounding environment, but there are some who have simple holding ponds. The purpose of this study was to identify the use of Sasirangan batik dyes and the potential to cause pollution to the surrounding environment. The research method was prepared descriptively with the research sample carried out by purposive sampling by taking samples from 2 large Sasirangan batik craftsmen in the village of Kertak Hanyar 2, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan Province with the biological, physical and chemical parameters of the heavy metal content of chromium and cadmium compared with the threshold according to the regulation. Governor of South Kalimantan Province Number 04 of 2007. The results showed that the production of sasirangan in the village of Kertak Hanyar2 has been started since 1986 until now, 100% of sasirangan batik production uses chemical dyes. Physical and chemical indicators are still below the permitted threshold according to the Regulation of the Governor of South Kalimantan Province Number 04 of 2007, several parameters that exceed the quality standard. The heavy metal content of chromium in snakehead fish is 0.456 mg/kg, the Physical parameter (color) shows the value of 107.93 TCU, the chemical parameter is COD (one sample) with a COD value of 348.9 mg/L. Conclusion: This Sasirangan batik craftsman uses 1100% chemical dyes with chromium metal content exceeding the standard threshold set by the government, so it has the potential to pollute the surrounding environment.


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