PHBS, Physical activity, Gymnastics Videos, Health Promotion MediaAbstract
Poor environmental conditions and poor clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) of the community is suspected to be the cause of still high infectious diseases. Various phbs promotion efforts have been launched by the government to improve the clean and healthy living behavior of the community. The Declaration of Healthy Campus in Poltekkes Kemenkes Jambi is an effort to improve health promotion and prevent uncoun communicable diseases in the campus environment. Campus is a place of productive age and the right place to explore phbs habits. One way to improve health education through gymnastics videos as a health promotion medium. The purpose of this study is to develop gymnastics videos as a health promotion medium to improve clean and healthy living behaviors in this case physical activity. This research is a development research that is to produce the output of research products in the form of gymnastics videos as a health promotional medium. The development model uses borg and gall theory. Validation of developed gymnastics videos is carried out with (1) expert validation support for content/materials and validation from gymnastics video learning design experts, (2) Small group tests and (3) field tests. The subjects of this study are 10 students as a small group test and 26 students as field tests. The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire. The results of the research from material validation experts, design experts and trials of small groups and large groups in a series of gymnastics videos created by Poltekkes Kemenkes Jambi were developed worthy of use to increase physical activity. It is recommended that people in increasing physical activity can use gymnastics videos created by Poltekkes Kemenkes Jambi.
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