academic procrastination, validity, reliability, psychometricAbstract
Distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic emergency has some negative impact on student performance. One of these impacts is the emergence of academic procrastination. Procrastination is the tendency to delay activities that need to be done to achieve the goals. Therefore, an instrument is needed to measure and determine the causes of academic procrastination. In this study, an alternative instrument for measuring student academic procrastination was created refers to Solomon and Rothblum's theory of academic procrastination. Forty items were given to 30 active university students, via an online form. Expert judgment used by researcher to conduct content. Internal consistency to check its reliability measured by using Cronbach’s alpha. The result shows that the instrument is valid and reliable. However, after testing the reliability, 13 items need to be eliminated so that only 27 items remain. The results obtained from this instrument are categorized into three categories, namely high, medium and low. Thus, the following measuring instrument can be used as an alternative measuring tool in measuring and knowing the causes of academic procrastination in students. Furthermore, this research can be used as a reference for developing academic procrastination instrument more valid and reliable instrument for further research.
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