Development of the Curriculum of the Elderly Care System Learning Center of a Local Administrative Organization in Thailand
Participatory action research, curriculum of the elderly care system learning center, local administrative organizationAbstract
This participatory action research for the development of the curriculum of the elderly care system learning center of a local administrative organization aims to study the context, problems and needs in constructing the curriculum for the elderly care system learning center and to construct the curriculum of the elderly care system learning center that is an innovation in accordance with the context of the area.The curriculum of the elderly care system learning center consists of the following subjects. 1) Core subjects consist of participatory local management, development and use of information for elderly care and community-based welfare provision. 2) Minor subjects include community-based health care for the elderly and sustainable community economic development. 3) Innovative subjects consist of development of elderly care volunteers and building the network partners for elderly care at Wang Tha Di Elderly School.The curriculum of the elderly care system learning center reflects the process of integrating knowledge in the local community with the curriculum of the elderly care system learning center and the learning process of the community. A lifelong learning process of the elderly who have the potential can be established so that they can develop their life as the valuable elderly.The needs of the elderly for the curriculum of the elderly care system learning center allows the elderly to have potential to live with others in society and realize their self-esteem. They will be able to show their full potential, and accepted by society as the population with quality.
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