

herbal plants, traditional medicine, postpartum period


Banjarmasin City is one of the big cities in South Kalimantan Province which still has a very strong tradition of drinking herbal plants. Most postpartum mothers and the community still consume herbs or herbal plants to help the postpartum recovery process. The forms of herbs or herbal plants that are often consumed are rhizome plants (turmeric, kencur rice, betel leaf, pepper, red ginger, cinnamon) which are boiled, or the use of betel leaf, ground red ginger with pepper which aims to expel postpartum blood. To determine the use of herbal plants for postpartum recovery. The type of research used is a literature study. The criteria for the study materials used in this study include containing the same keywords as the research topic, namely herbal plants, society (soecity), traditional (traditional), puerperium period, immediate postpartum period, early postpartum period, postpartum, late postpartum period. The article is a full paper published in the last 5 years between 2016 and 2020. Based on these 10 research journals, it can be concluded that the characteristics of postpartum mothers are at risky age (<20 years/>35 years) with an average of low education (no school, elementary and junior high school). Postpartum mothers consume herbal plants without using appropriate doses and doses because they only rely on the experiences of previous people such as from parents, community beliefs and own personal experiences. There are still many people who use herbal plants for postpartum recovery.


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