Efforts To Increase Milk Production in Breasfeeding Mothers Using Complementary Therapy: literatur Review



oxytocin massage, / Breastfeeding, Breast milk productions, Aromateraphy lavender


Background: Breast milk is the first source of nutrition for children from the age of 0-6 months before the child is able to receive other intakes when he is past six months. Breast milk contains nutrients that are specifically needed to support the process of brain development and strengthen the body's natural resistance. Exclusive breastfeeding is giving only breast milk without other foods and drinks. With the use of lavender aromatherapy and oxytocin massage which can increase milk production with a significant increase marked by an increase in the volume of breast milk, an increase in the frequency of the baby's bladder and bowel movements and the length of sleep the baby sleeps after breastfeeding, and there is also an increase in baby's weight.

Objectives: This study aims to collect information from literature sources & research results about efforts to increase milk production in breastfeeding mothers using complementary therapies.

Methods: This study uses a Literature Review approach by using several sources selected based on criteria and databases that have been determined by researchers using SINTA, Sienc Direct, Pubmed and Google Schooler, Scimago.

Results: From the 10 types of literature selected, there were 5 studies on oxytocin massage and Lavender Aromatherapy. The results of the study stated that there was a significant relationship between oxytocin massage and Lavender Aromatherapy with a P Value = 0.000 (P Value = 0.000) indicating the effect of oxytocin massage with Lavender Aromatherapy on increasing milk production in nursing mothers.

Conclusion : There are various methods to increase milk production, and they can be combined in intervening to overcome breastfeeding problems. Lavender aromatherapy and oxytocin massage in increasing breast milk production in breastfeeding mothers are very good for increasing knowledge and insight in the health sector, especially in increasing breast milk production as an alternative effort to increase breast milk production by using Lavender Aromatherapy and oxytocin massage based on complementary because Lavender Aromatherapy and oxytocin massage is very easy to do. 


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