
  • Ahmad Hidayat Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Setia Budi
  • R. Topan Aditya Rahman


Bitter gourd is one of the fruits efficacious as an antidiabetic treatment. Amprotab and lactose are fillers of tablets. The filler in the tablet can affect the tablet so that an optimum formula is needed to make the bitter melon extract tablet that meets the requirements. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum formulation of bitter melon extract tablets with a combination of amprotab and lactose fillers The method used in this research design is experimental quantitative with true experimental design posttest only control group design. Simplex Lattice Design (SLD) data analysis method. Tablets were made using the direct compression method. The results obtained. The results of the evaluation of the granules showed that each formulation complied with the requirements. The optimum formula of bitter melon extract tablets produced tablets that met all the requirements for tablet evaluation and data analysis of Simplex Lattice Design (SLD) by showing the same results, namely F1. The conclusion of this study is that the combination formula of Amprotab and Lactose in the tablet preparation of bitter melon extract can affect the characteristics of the tablet preparation of bitter melon extract based on the results of the evaluation of the physical properties of the tablet. The optimum formula is F1 obtained results that meet the requirements and the data analysis shows a desirability value of 0.7% which indicates the optimum formula.

Keywords: Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L), Filler, Lactose, Amprotab


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