Factors Affecting Non-adherence to Drug Use in Hypertensive Patients in Banjarmasin City.
Factors, Non-compliance, Drug Use in Hypertensive PatientsAbstract
Introduction :Hypertension is an increase in systolic blood pressure of more than 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure of more than 90 mmHg. Patients who have suffered from hypertension should take medication regularly in order to reduce risk factors. Hypertension is left untreated or untreated it will cause various complications of organ damage, such as causing heart disease, kidney failure or stroke which can lead to death.
Purpose : The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence non-adherence to drug use in hypertension patients in the city of Banjarmasin.
Method : This research is quantitative using an observational design with a cross sectional research design with analytical descriptive method.
Results : The results of the research obtained are known that from 50 respondents. There are 34 respondents who do not comply with the use of hypertension drugs. Variables related to non-adherence to drug use in hypertensive patients were gender (p = 0.146), level of formal education (p = 0.880), employment status (p = 0.981), family income (p = 0.203), distance from home to health services (p = 0.697), level of knowledge about hypertension management (p = 0.230), motivation to seek treatment (p = 0.015), family support (p = 0.941).
Conclusion : The results of the research obtained and have been carried out in the people of Banjarmasin are related to the factors that influence non-compliance with non-compliance with the use of drugs for hypertension patients, namely gender, level of formal education, employment status, family income, distance from home to health services, level of knowledge about hypertension management, motivation for treatment, family support.
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