
  • Sylvi Wulandari Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Angga Irawan
  • Mohammad Basit


Covid-19, Effectiveness, hand sanitizer, cleanliness, soap


Background: Hand hygiene is the process of removing dirt from the hands. Hands are one of the transmission media for Covid-19 because hand contact is more frequent besides almost all activities that require hands so hand hygiene is very important, the strategy in dealing with Covid-19 is the main increase in infectious diseases in the problem of breaking the chain of spread of Covid-19 by perform hand hygiene.

Objective: Knowing about the effectiveness of using hand sanitizers with hand hygiene using Covid-19 prevention soap through a literature review.

Methods: literature review method. Journal criteria are filtered based on literature titles, abstracts and keywords that are determined and sourced from Pubmed and Google Scolar, which are determined through approach, determination, selection. The number of articles used for this literature research is 11 journals.

Results: The effectiveness of hand hygiene between hand sanitizer and hand hygiene using Covid-19 prevention soap has the same role, where the use of both is equally effective.

Conclusion: The use of hand sanitizer with hand hygiene using soap is equally effective, the same role, there is no water and soap so use hand sanitizer unless hands are dirty, you can't use hand sanitizer but use soap, the rise of Covid-19 is one way to prevent the spread of Covid-19 19 is hand hygiene.

Author Biography

  • Sylvi Wulandari, Universitas Sari Mulia


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