
  • Amelia Desy Anggreyni Sari Mulia University
  • Darini Kurniawati
  • Desilestia Dwi Salmarini


Correlation, Knowledge, Self Medication, Child Fever


Self-medication or self-medication is part of the community's efforts to maintain their own health. Fever is one form of the body's defense against problems that occur in the body. The purpose of this study was to analyze the correlation between mother's knowledge about self-medication of child fever using paracetamol in JelapatVillage, South Barito Regency. Analytical observational method with a cross sectional design using a sampling method with purposive sampling technique, the data collection instrument used in this study was the google form. The results of the knowledge of respondents in the good category were 66 people (55.8%), sufficient as many as 46 people (38.3%), and less as many as 7 people (5.8%). The results of rational use of paracetamol by respondents were 64 people (53.3%) and irrational were 55 people (46, 7%). The results of the Spearman Rho test obtained are a significance value of > 0.05, namely 0.162, a correlation coefficient of 0.128 and a positive correlation direction. There is no relationship between knowledge of fever self-medication and the use of paracetamol by mothers. Knowledge of fever self-medication is not related to the rational use of paracetamol. The need to add information about the rational use of paracetamol.


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