Analysis of spiritual needs and emotional conditions in the patient of diabetic foot ulcus: Literature Review



Emotional Conditions, Diabetic Foot Ulcers, Spiritual Needs.


Background: Diabetic foot ulcer is a chronic disease that requires a long treatment so that patients can experience emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression which causes this healing process so that it is not optimal in fulfilling spiritual needs to improve patient coping.

Objective: To analyze the spiritual needs and emotional condition of diabetic foot ulcer patients.

Methods: Literature review research design. Journal criteria were filtered based on literature titles, abstracts and keywords that had been determined from Biomed Central, Elsevier, Google Scholar, PubMed and Portal Garuda through the Population, Interventions, Comparison, Outcomes and Study Design (PICOS) system approach. The results of 14 literature review journals, there are 4 journals that the spiritual needs of diabetic foot wound patients are met if good interpersonal, intrapersonal and transpersonal relationships have been established, and 10 journals related to the emotional condition of patients mostly experience anxiety and depression of varying levels.

Conclusion: The provision of nursing care to patients with diabetic foot ulcers is expected not only to focus on fulfillment and physical care but also to pay attention to aspects of the patient's spiritual needs and the emotional condition of diabetic foot ulcer patients.


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