
  • Nurfaizah Jaiyuprilia Sari Mulia University
  • Kunti Nastiti
  • Nurul Hidayah


Thin Layer Chromatography, Eluent Variation, Secondary Metabolites, Leaf Ba’balik Angin (Alphitonia Excelsa)


The leaves of Ba'balik Angin (Alphitonia Excelsa) are one of the plants used by everyday people to bathe because it can produce foam to remove dirt and dust and has benefits as an antiseptic. The Purpose This study to know the metabolite compounds used to be contained in the leaves of Ba'balik Angin (Alphitonia Excelsa) and know the phase of motion or eluen the best compounds. Method making Ba'balik Angin leaf extract (Alphitonia Excelsa) using the maceration method and using Rotary Evaporator until obtaining a viscous extract is then done identification of secondary metabolites to obtain color reactions and thin layer chromatography. The Results based on the results of research on the identification of secondary metabolite compounds Ba'balik angin leaf extract (Alphitonia Excelsa) obtained alkaloid compounds, flavonoids, tannins, terpenoids and saponins. It can be concluded that the alkaloids that have the best separation are Ethyl Acetate : Chlorofrom (12:6), Flavonoids that have the best separation is n-Heksan: dichloromethane (8:12), Tannins that have good separation are Methanol : Ethyl Acetate (8:2), Terpenoids that have the best separation and many stains are n-Hexane: Ethyl Acetate (12:8), Saponins that have the best separation and many stains are Ethyl Acetate :Ethanol:Water (10:2:1). In Conclusion From this study has been found the best phase of motion and eluent in separating the metabolite compounds of Ba'balik Angin leaves.


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