
  • Safril Safril sari mulia universitr
  • Muhammad Basit
  • M. Arief Wijaksono


culture, Covid-19 economy, community non-compliance, health protocols, social.


Preliminary: COVID-19 is Acute Respiratory Syndrome, SARS - CoV - 2 is a corona virus and is included in a deadly disease that attacks parts of the human respiratory system that can be transmitted quickly causing acute illness and death for sufferers, this is a threat to the whole world in facing the corona virus, where the government in each country makes provisions to prevent wider transmission by implementing health protocols for all regions with alert signs that must be obeyed, but some such as social, economic, and cultural factors are the actions of people who do not comply in implementation of health protocols. The purpose of the literature review is to analyze the social, economic and cultural aspects of community non-compliance with health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Research design Literature review. Journal criteria are filtered based on literature titles, abstracts, and keywords or keywords that have been determined and sourced from Google scholar, Pubmed, and the national library identified through the Population, Interventions, Comparison, Outcomes and Study Design (PICOS) system approach. The number of articles used for this research literature is 13 journals. Results: Based on 13 studies, it was found that non-compliance with health protocols during the covid-19 pandemic stems from social factors: because there is still a belief that social distancing will cause social relations to become distant and trigger socialization, economic factors: because the demands of daily needs also experience a decrease in income in meeting family needs, and cultural factors: because every culture has a different culture and the implementation of this health protocol makes the usual routine a thought for those who carry out the culture will change with hereditary activities.


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