hydrotherapy, pregnant women, preeclampsiaAbstract
Background: Preeclampsia is one of the diseases that cause high maternal and fetal mortality. Objective: To find out the effectiveness of hydrotherapy against lowered blood pressure in pregnant women with preeclampsia. Methods: Research design literature review. Journal criteria are filtered based on literature titles, abstracts and keywords or keywords that have been determined and sourced from biomed central, portal garuda, perpustakaan nasional, pubmed, google scholar dan freefull PDF which were identified through the Population, Interventions, Comparison, Outcomes and Study Design (PICOS) system approach. The number of articles used for this research literature is 10 journals. Results: There are two methods of hydrotherapy using warm water used in lowering blood pressure in pregnant women with preeclampsia because the mechanism of work of warm water is to produce heat energy that makes dilation in blood vessels so that blood flow becomes smooth and there is a decrease in blood pressure. Conclusion: It can then be concluded that hydroretapi is effective in lowering blood pressure in pregnant women with preeclampsia.References
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