
  • Riska Silpia Dina
  • Istiqomah Istiqomah
  • Meldawati Meldawati


effectiveness, red ginger, pain, labor


Women who give birth expect labor to take place without pain. Various ways are done so that mothers give birth not always feel pain and feel comfortable. To reduce pain during childbirth, pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods can be used. Kordi et al. (2017) stated that consuming red ginger before delivery can help dilate the cervix, but reduce pain during the opening at the time of delivery and reduce bleeding after delivery. To determine the effectiveness of red ginger on labor pain intensity based on: Literature Review. The type of research used is a literature study. The criteria for the study materials used in this study included the same keywords as the research topic, namely effectiveness, red ginger, pain, labor, effectiveness, red ginger, pain, labour. The article is a full paper published in the last 5 years between 2016 and 2020. Red ginger proved to be effective in reducing the intensity of labor pain. The portion given is 25 grams of small red ginger brewed with 150 ml of warm water. The frequency of administration is at least 3 times when starting the opening or the mother experiences labor characteristics.Complementary medicine by utilizing natural ingredients, taking from nature such as herbs has proven to be effective as an alternative during labor. The use of herbs such as red ginger drink has proven to be effective in reducing labor pain.


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