Banana stem, Activated Carbon, Barito River, Ammonia, UV-Vis SpectrophotometryAbstract
Banana plants or the Latin name called Musa paradisiaca L is a commodity of high economic value in Indonesia, Banana stems have cellulose compounds that have a large enough potential to be used as activated charcoal, activated charcoal can be made by pyrolysis. This study was conducted to analyze the potential of activated carbon from banana stems in reducing ammonia levels in water, to analyze the amount of reduction in ammonia levels (NH3) in the Barito River by giving activated carbon from banana stems, to analyze the effect of the time of administration of activated carbon from banana stems to decrease ammonia. The manufacture of activated carbon from banana stems was carried out using a kiln, and for measuring the reduction in ammonia levels, it was carried out by Spectrophotometry Uv-Vis spectroquan 300. The results of this study indicate that activated carbon of banana stems can reduce ammonia levels in the Barito river area with the initial value of ammonia levels being 2.482 mg/L and after being given activated carbon of banana stems the decrease in ammonia levels obtained with 30 minutes is 0.860 mg/L or 65, 35%, time 60 minutes 0.146 mg/L or 94.11%, and time 120 minutes -0.020 or 100.80%. This study shows that activated carbon of banana stems can reduce ammonia levels in the Barito River area using UV-Vis Spectrophotometry
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