Evaluation Of Patient Satisfaction With Pharmaceutical Services At Public Health Centers Literature Review
Patient satisfaction, pharmaceutical services, Public Health CentersAbstract
Patient satisfaction is a level of patient feeling that arises from the performance of health services obtained, patient dissatisfaction is closely related to the quality of health services, quality health services are the perfection of health efforts that are accepted by the community as much as possible in accordance with the code of ethics and pharmaceutical service standards that have been established. Objective: The purpose of this literature review is to evaluate patient satisfaction with pharmaceutical services at the Public Health Centers. Methods: This study uses a literature study approach using 11 sources selected based on predetermined criteria. Results: The results of the analysis of the journal there are results that are quite satisfied with pharmaceutical services at the Public Health Centers. Conclusion: Based on the results of the analysis and discussion of several studies, it can be concluded that Public Health Centers which has satisfaction with the category of being satisfied with pharmaceutical services is an average of 76.66%. These results prove that the pharmaceutical services at several Public Health Centers are quite satisfactory for patients and in accordance with the expectations of patients who want to get the best health services.
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