
  • Nur Ayu Amelia Sari Mulia University
  • Noval Noval


Evaluation, Carbopol 940, Bundung plant extract (Actinoscirpus grossus), Spray gel, Nanoparticle


Bundung plant extract (Actinoscirpus grossus) contains flavonoid secondary metabolite compounds that can inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria which is often the cause of skin diseases. Spray gel nanoparticles when used can speed up the drug delivery system, dry more easily, and are easy to wash. Carbopol 940 as a base because it is free of irritation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of carbopol 940 base on spray gel nanoparticles preparations and evaluate the stability of the spray gel nanoparticle preparations of plant extracts. This research uses laboratory experimental methods. Bundung plant extract was formulated into nanoparticle spray gel preparations with variations in the concentration of carbopol 940 as many as 4 formulations, namely 0.13%, 0.26%, 0.4%, and 0.53%. The nanoparticle size was prepared by using high-shear stirring technique at 500 rpm for 8 hours at room temperature. Then the evaluation includes organoleptic test, homogeneity, pH, viscosity, spraying pattern, dispersion, dry time and particle size test. The results of the evaluation and stability for 4 weeks in the organoleptic test found that formulation 4 was the most stable, the homogeneity test of all formulations was stable. The pH and viscosity test of formulation 4 was the most stable, the spray pattern and dispersion test of all formulations met the requirements, the dry time test of all formulations met the standards, and the particle size test of all formulations did not meet the requirements. Based on the research, it can be concluded that variations in the concentration of carbopol 940 affect the stability of the spray gel nanoparticle preparation. Based on the stability test, the formula that meets the requirements is formulation 4 with a concentration of carbopol 940 of 0.53%.


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