
  • Feling Polwandari Faletehan University


Adolescent Reproductive Health, Covid-19, UNICEF, PKPR


The Covid-19 pandemic that entered Indonesia lasted almost 1.5 years, until now confirmed cases have continued to increase and have made the government make firm policies to suppress the rate of exposure to this virus. Recently, the government issued a Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM) in 4th level  and 3rd level. These impact various sectors, some of which are the economy and health. Economic condition and family health are a direct impact on the welfare of children and adolescents, for example, are dropping out of school and becoming an orphan. The Indonesian youth population of the current total population is almost 30% which will be a demographic bonus in the next few years. If the impact of this pandemic on adolescents cannot be handle properly, adolescents will be unhappy growth state and will become a burden for the country. Therefore, the author feels it is significant to write this article using a literature study approach in discussing the Covid-19 pandemic and adolescent reproductive health, namely in the scope of physical, psychological, and social health. Global and the Indonesian government have provided space for adolescent reproductive health services which some of them are UNICEF and PKPR. Currently, each of them is issuing policies related to adolescent problems during the pandemic and their solutions. These organizations aim to effort the teenagers to get accurate information about reproductive health, especially during this Covid-19 pandemic which lasts even until this pandemic is over. After that, teenagers continue to grow physically, psychologically, and socially healthy adults.


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