Neonatorum, Prematurity, Sepsis, Gestational Age.Abstract
Background: Neonatal sepsis has increased every year, causing high morbidity and mortality. Risk factors associated with the incidence of neonatal sepsis include several factors, namely maternal, infant and nosocomial factors. Infant factors that affect neonatal sepsis is gestational age. Gestational age or gestational age is the time it takes a mother from conception to birth. Gestational age is divided into three namely premature, mature and postmature.
Aim: To analyze the relationship between gestational age and the incidence of neonatal sepsis through the Literature Review.
Method: This study uses a Literature Review, in searching literature sourced from five databases (Biomed Central, Pubmed, Plus One, Elsevier and Garuda), using keywords. Journals in accordance with PICOS are 15 journals and are reviewed.
Results: The results showed that from 102,226 samples from 12 journals, there were 2,874 experiencing neonatal sepsis and the results from 11 journals that discussed gestational age were 522 premature, 1,008 mature and 62 postmature. Babies with gestational age (premature) had a higher risk of developing neonatal sepsis. The results of the analysis of 10 journals whose results were associated with an average P value of 0.000 (highest) – <0.05 (lowest), and OR = 6.256 (highest) – 0.71 (lowest).
Conclusion: Gestational age affects the risk of neonatal sepsis. Efforts are made by nurses to identify risk factors for neonatal sepsis in neonates by anticipating early pregnancy for mothers who are <37 weeks of gestation and recognizing signs and symptoms of neonatal sepsis.
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