
  • Dona Kristina Sari Mulia University
  • M. Arief Wijaksono
  • Malisa Ariani


Anxiety, Hospitalization, Play Therapy, Preschool Children


Background: Hospitalization is a crisis condition in children, when they are sick the child mus be hospitalized. This condition makes the child try to adapt in hospital environment which thinks is foreign for them, so that the situation becomes a stressors for the child. Anxiety is a response that often appears in children who are hospitalized. One of the possible nursing interventions to minimize the impact of hospitalization on preschool children is, with the application of play therapy.

Objective: To determine the effect application of play therapy against anxiety response of preschool children undergoing hospitalized.

Methods: Literature review research design type of narrative review. Journals are filtered based on tittle, abstracts an keywords or keywords that have been determined and sourced from PubMed, Garuda Portal, DOAJ and Google Scholar identified through the Population, Interventions, Comparisons, Outcome dan Study Design (PICOS) system approach. The number of articles used for this research literature is 15 journals.

Result: The results of the analysis of all journals showed that play therapy can reduce anxiety in preschool undergoing hospitalization.

Conclusion: Hopefully all of nurse can rise the hospitalization with minimization the stressor by play therapy until the anxiety of the children little bit loose and more cooperative on accepting the hospitalization.


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