
  • Brivian Florentis Yustanta


Unplanned Pregnancies, Pregnancy, Covid-19, Pandemic


During the Covid-19 pandemic there were approximately 7 million unplanned pregnancies. Unplanned pregnancy will have various negative impacts on women and infants. Conditions during pre-conception are certainly not in the most optimal state considering that couples of childbearing do not prepare themselves for this pregnancy. This study aimed to analyze of factors related to the increasing incidence of unplanned pregnancies during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This study was an analytical research with cross sectional approach. It was conducted from April to June 2021 in Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia. The population were pregnant women who are willing to be respondents as many as 127 women. By using simple random sampling obtained sample size 92. The dependent variables were 1) barrier to contraceptive access, 2) the intensity of time with husband during the pandemic, 3) knowledge about the risks of unplanned pregnancy. While the independent variables was the increasing incidence of unplanned pregnancies. All variables were measured by questionnaires. Result of the analysis of the correlation of linear multivariate regression statistical test showed that the most significant factor associated with the increasing incidence of unplanned pregnancies during Covid-19 Pandemic was barrier to contraceptive access (p value = 0,01 < 0,05). Barrier to contraceptive access includes delaying coming to health care facilities for fear of Covid-19 and diverting some health facilities to serve Covid-19 patients, so they do not provide maternal and child health, including contraceptive services. Therefore, preventing unplanned pregnancies during the pandemic must be encouraged and prioritized


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