
  • Fitri Fitri Diploma Tiga Kebidanan
  • Meldawati Meldawati Magister Kebidanan, Fakultas Kesehatan, Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Susanti Suhartati Diploma Tiga Kebidanan, Fakultas Kesehatan, Universitas Sari Mulia


The percentage of exclusive breastfeeding coverage for infants 0-6 months is 61.33% with the lowest regional percentage being Papua, which is 15.32% and the highest regional percentage is West Nusa Tenggara, which is 87.35% (Kemenkes RI, 2018). There are many factors that can affect the mother's willingness to give exclusive breastfeeding to her baby, such as the level of knowledge, education level, family support, support from health workers and the number of children. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between parity and exclusive breastfeeding based on the Literature Review. This study uses a literature study approach using selected sources based on the criteria that have been determined by the researcher. The results of the literature analysis conducted by researchers from 10 types of literature found that parity had a significant relationship with the success of exclusive breastfeeding of a mother to her baby and the most parity who gave exclusive breastfeeding were mothers with multiparity parity. The conclusion is parity one of the factors that influence exclusive breastfeeding, because the experience that a mother has had can be used for children who will be born next.

Keywords: Parity and Exclusive Breastfeeding


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