
  • Ismi Natiqotul Fadhilah Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Winda Maolinda Program studi diploma tiga kebidanan fakultas kesehatan universitas Sari mulia
  • Ika Mardiatul Ulfa Program studi diploma tiga kebidanan fakultas kesehatan universitas Sari mulia


cervical cancer, HPV vaccine and women of childbearing age


Patients with cervical cancer in Indonesia are still quite high. According to the WHO in 2018, an estimated 570,000 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer in the world and around 311,000 women died of cervical cancer. Meanwhile, according to the Ministry of Health, the incidence of cervical cancer in Indonesia in 2019 reached 84,185 women who were positive for cervical cancer. With the high number of cervical cancer in Indonesia, the government seeks to prevent cervical cancer by holding the HPV vaccine. The HPV vaccine is one of the primary prevention methods for cervical cancer. However, with the facilities provided by the government, the number of women of childbearing age who participated in the HPV vaccination was not followThis study aims to determine how many women of childbearing age have used the HPV vaccine as an effort to prevent cervical cancer and what factors influence women of childbearing age not to have the HPV vaccine.
Methods: This study uses a literature study approach using selected sources based on predetermined criteria.
From 10 types of literature reviews, there were 1067 respondents, 178 respondents had received the HPV vaccine and 889 respondents had not received the HPV vaccine. This is caused by, there is no desire to do the HPV vaccine, have a negative motivation for the HPV vaccine, economic factors, low level of knowledge, do not get family support, and have a negative attitude towards the HPV vaccine.
There are still many cervical cancer sufferers, especially in Indonesia, not because ineffectiveness but because of a lack of awareness about the importance of the HPV vaccine for women of childbearing age.


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