Husband's Support, Mother's Interest, IUD ContraceptionAbstract
One of the government's programs to balance needs and population is the Family Planning Program (KB). Data from the 2015 BKKBN for IUD contraceptive users were only 481,564 (7.23%). The factor that causes the low use of IUD contraceptives is the lack of mother's interest in the selection because there are still many who do not get support from their husbands as the head of the family and decision making. To determine the relationship between husband's support and mother's interest in choosing an Intra Uterine Device (IUD) contraceptive using the Literature Review.This writing uses a literature study approach by using selected journal sources based on the criteria that have been reviewed. From 10 journals there is a relationship between husband's support and mother's interest in choosing an Intra Uterine Device (IUD), but there is still an interest in wives who do not get support from their husbands in using Intra Uterine Device (IUD) contraceptives.The husband's involvement in support and decision making in choosing contraceptives will affect the mother's interest in using the IUD and will ensure the continuity of the use of contraceptives, however, in several journals and references found, the results show that the selection of the Intra Uterin Device (IUD) is still classified as low because there are some wives who do not get support from their husbands for the mother's interest in choosing an Intra Uterine Device (IUD).
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