Acute Toxicity Study of Sepat Rawa (Trichopodus trichopterus) Flour of South Kalimantan on The White Mice


  • Fitriyanti Fitriyanti Stikes Borneo Lestari
  • A. I. Karunita
  • R. Noraida


Acute Toxicity, Sepat Rawa (T. trichopterus), OECD 425.


Sepat Rawa (Trichopodus trichopterus) can be used in the health field. In the context of its development as a medicinal ingredient, it is necessary to conduct a reasearch of its safety. The purpose of this study was to determine the symptoms of acute toxicity and LD50 values using the OECD 425 (Up and Down Procedure) method using 425 Pgm Stat sofware . in this study used seven female white mice test animals which were divided into two groups, the first groups was the treatment group consisting of five test animals and the second groups was negative control consisting of two test animals. The treatment group was given a dose of 2000 m/ kgbw and observed for 14 days, after being given a test animal treatment showed no symptoms of acute toxicity. Then proced with a dose of 5000 mg/ kgbw, test animals do not show symptoms of acute toxicity as observed in previos doses. Test animal body weight was analyzed using a statistical test with the result (P>0,05) meaning that there was no significant difference between the weight of mice treated and negative controls. The value of LD50 obtained more than 5000 mg/ kgbw.


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