
  • Nanda Pratama Putri Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Anggrita Sari Sari Mulia University
  • Dewi Pusparani Sinambela Sari Mulia University


anemia, genjer (limnocharis flava), pregnant women, pregnancy, constipation


Anemia is one of the biggest problems experienced by pregnant women. Anemia that occurs during pregnancy not only affects the mother but also has an impact on the fetus. As for the efforts made by the government to reduce the rate of anemia in pregnant women, namely by giving Fe tablets during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the problem that is often experienced by pregnant women is constipation. To determine the content of the genjer plant (limnocharis flava) as an alternative to prevent constipation during pregnancy. The method used in this study is a qualitative test, this method focuses on the results of the presence or absence of the content contained in the genjer plant. The tests carried out consisted of tests for carbohydrates, protein, fat, crude fiber and water content. From the tests carried out to determine the carbohydrate content in genjer plants, positive results were obtained. Testing of protein content in genjer plants obtained negative results after several testing processes were carried out. Testing of fat on genjer plants obtained positive results after going through several testing processes. Likewise with crude fiber and water content testing, both tests were positive after the testing process was carried out. From several studies and various testing processes that have been carried out, the genjer plant (limnocharis flava) is a plant that has many benefits and good fiber content for the body. This certainly shows that the genjer plant is quite good if consumed and used as an alternative in overcoming constipation in pregnant women


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