

Home Pharmacy Care, Hypertensive Patients, Patient Compliance


Hypertension is an incurable disease, so the therapy given aims to control blood pressure and prevent complications. Until now, there have been many efforts made by pharmacists in an effort to increase the success of therapy, one of which is by providing Home Pharmacy Care services. Based on the results of previous studies, it is necessary to modify the role of home pharmacy care by utilizing the role of educational media. This is intended to reduce the number of hypertension that continues to increase in the community. The purpose of this study is to analyze various educational media that can support the role of Home Pharmacy Care to improve medication adherence for hypertension patients. This research is a true experimental research with pre and post test control group design. Respondents were divided into 3 groups, namely groups that only received home pharmacy care, home pharmacy care with leaflet media, and home pharmacy care with video media. The results of the descriptive analysis showed that the control and video groups did not experience a significant change in compliance, while the group that received leaflets showed that the respondents' compliance in the low category decreased to 15.8%. The results of statistical analysis showed that there were significant differences between groups, where the leaflet group showed better adherence. The conclusion of this study is that the provision of educational media using leaflets can optimize home pharmacy care in an effort to improve patient compliance.


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