F Factors Associated With The Use Of Post-Placental IUD Contraception at Dr. H. Moch Ansari SalehHospital Banjarmasin In 2021 Factors Associated With The Use Of Post-Placental IUD Contraception at Dr. H. Moch Ansari SalehHospital Banjarmasin In 2021
Main Article Content
Background: World data for 2017 is non-hormonal 25%, Indoneisa in 2021 uses IUDs 8,0%, South Kalimantan in 2019 uses IUDs 1,96%. From the preliminary study of the RSUD dr. H. Moch Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin, the number of post-placental IUDs in 2019 was 41 people, in 2020 it decreased to 21 people and in 2021 it increased to 53 people.
Objective: Identify and analyze the type of delivery, age, parity, educatin, employment and health insurance.
Methods: The research method used was an analytical survey using case control with a retrospective approach. Sampling using 1:2 in the case sample as many as 53 people using total sampling and in the control sample as many as 106 people using simple random sampling. Data analysis used the Chi-Square test.
Results: The results of the research conducted showed that the most common type of delivery was vaginal delivery 96,2%, the highest risk age <20 >35 years 50,9%, the highest education in secondary education (SMA) 44,0%, most jobs are mothers who don’t work 78,0% while health insurance is mostly BPJS/JKN 88,1%
Conclusion: There was no relationship between the type of delivery, age, parity, accupation, and post-placental IUD contraception and there was a relationship between education and post-placental IUD use with a p-value of 0.027 on health insurance. There was also a relationship between post-placental IUD contraception with a p-value of 0.025.
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