F Feasibility Study on the Use of Injectable Contraceptives in PMB Siti Musrifah Studi Kelayakan Pemakaian Alat Kontrasepsi Suntik Di PMB Siti Musrifah
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Background: Contraceptive use is a way of preventing pregnancy. Of the several contraceptive options, the injectable method is the most popular method because of its ease of use. However, not everyone can be said to be eligible to use injectable contraceptives. The feasibility of using injections is reviewed from several acceptor conditions.
Objective: This study aims to identify age, number of children, duration of use, BMI, and blood pressure of injectable contraceptors at PMB Siti Musrifah.
Methods: The method of data collection in this study was a descriptive method with a cross sectional approach on a sample of 48 people using accidental side and calculated using the SPSS application.
Results: The results showed that the age of eligible 32 people (66.7%), the number of eligible children 35 people (72.9%), the length of use of eligible 39 people (81.3%), eligible BMI 23 people (47.9%), and eligible blood pressure 45 people (93.8%).
Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that injecting acceptors at PMB Siti Musrifah are in a safe condition, except for BMI because out of 48 people, there are 25 people (52.1%) who are less fit to use injections.
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