The Effect Of Giving Soy Milk On Increasing Breast Milk Production In Post Partum Mothers In The Work Area Of The Berangas Health Center Kotabaru District
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Background: Many factors cause the failure of exclusive breastfeeding, one of which is related to obstacles that are often encountered by mothers, such as uneven milk and swelling. Mothers who experience the breastfeeding process do not smoothly feel psychological pressure and even cause anxiety, and this condition ultimately causes the mother to provide enough milk to the baby, causing the baby to breastfeed less. A mother who does not breastfeed her baby will experience stagnation of milk production and even swelling due to reduced levels of the hormones oxytocin and prolactin.
Objective: To determine the effect of giving soy milk on increasing breast milk production in post partum mothers in the working area of the Berangas Health Center, Kotabaru District.
Methods: This study used an analytic survey with a cross-sectional approach. The population was 30 people for the November 2022 period. A sample of 10 post partum mothers used purposive sampling in February 2023. The data was collected using a questionnaire which was analyzed in the form of a frequency distribution and analyzed using the chi square test with an error rate of 5%.
Results: : The results showed that there were 9 people (45%) in the category of mothers whose milk production did not increase/steady and 11 people (55%) whose milk production increased. There is an effect of giving soy milk to increasing breast milk production in post partum mothers in the working area of the Berangas Health Center, Kotabaru Regency (sig. = 0.000 <0.05).
Conclusion: The provision of soy milk increases postpartum breast milk production in the working area of the Berangas Health Center, Kotabaru Regency.
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