T The Effect Of Kie Using A Communications Platfom Towards Knowledge And Attitudes Of Pregnant Women About K4 Visit At Long Kali Health Center
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Background: WhatsApp is a mobile application and web-based social network that is integrated with various features used to communicate with other users. In 2021 K4 coverage will be 75.2%, and in 2022 80%.
Objective: to determine the effect of KIE using a communication platform on the knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women during K4 visits at the Long Kali Community Health Center
Methods: quasi experiment (quasi experiment) with a cross sectional approach and sampling technique using purposive sampling technique. The data collection instrument is a questionnaire using Google Form with pre-test and post-test links.
Results: showed that the mother's knowledge before being given IEC was mostly sufficient, 60% and after being given KIE, knowledge was good, 77.5%. Attitudes before being given IEC were mostly positive, 70% and after being given KIE, most were positive, 90%. There is an influence of KIE using the platform on the knowledge of pregnant women at the K4 visit (pvalue 0.000) and there is an influence of KIE using the platform on the attitude of pregnant women at the K4 visit (pvalue 0.000).
Conclusion: increasing the role of midwives in providing IEC information to pregnant women, both directly and through communication platforms
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