Keberhasilan Ibu Menyusui Di Tiga Hari Pertama Post-Partum Berdasarkan Paritas Ibu Di RSUD DR. H. Moch. Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin


  • Fadhiyah Noor Anisa Akademi Kebidanan Sari Mulia
  • Nur Lathifah Akademi Kebidanan Sari Mulia



Latar Belakang: Menyusui merupakan suatu proses yang terjadi secara alami namun menyusui perlu dipelajari terutama oleh ibu yang pertama kali memiliki bayi agar tahu cara menyusui yang benar dan dapat mengatasi masalah pemberian asi. Masalah pemberian Asi dapat terjadi di tiga hari pertama post-partum, seperti belum keluarnya ASI,  bayi gelisah saat disusukan,  perlengketan ibu dan bayi  yang belum benar  dan bayi tidak mau  menyusu, sehingga banyak ibu post-partum yang tidak berhasil memberikan ASI pada tiga hari pertama dan  ini menentukan keberhasilan pemberian asi ekslusif.

Tujuan: mengetahui keberhasilan menyusui tiga hari pertama post-partum berdasarkan paritas ibu.

Metode, metode cross sectional. Populasi semua ibu post-partum pervaginam dengan keadaan ibu baik dan bayi sehat, tehnik sampling Accicental sampling, berjumlah 31 responden.

Hasil penelitian, Didapatkan 16 orang (51,6%) merupakan primapara dan sisanya multipara dan grandemultipara, yang berhasil memberikan asi sebanyak 18 orang (58,1%).  Hasil perhitungan uji Chi-square didapatkan hasil p value 0,006 atau p < 0,05.

Kesimpulan: ada hubungan paritas ibu dan keberhasilan menyusui tiga hari pertama post-partum sehingga perlu peningkatan konseling pada ibu terutama primipara tentang cara pemberian ASI.


Kata Kunci: Keberhasilan Menyusui, 3 hari Post-Partum, Paritas.





BACKGROUND Breastfeeding is a naturally occurring process but breastfeeding needs to be studied especially by mothers who have their first babies in order to know how to breastfeed properly and to be able to overcome the problem of breastfeeding. The problem of breastfeeding can occur in the first three days of postpartum, such as the absence of breast milk, restless babies during breastfeeding, mother- baby bond errors and babies who do not want to breastfeed, so many post partum mothers who are unable to breastfeed in the first three days and this determines the success of exclusive breastfeeding.

OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to identify the success of breastfeeding the first three days of postpartum based on maternal parity.

METHODS This research use cross-sectional method. The study population was all postpartum vaginal women with criteria of good general mother condition and having healthy baby. Sampling technique with the technique "Accidental sampling" The number of samples is 31 respondents.

RESULTS The most primipara parity was 16 respondents (51.6%), and those who succeeded in breastfeeding were the most of 18 respondents (58.1%). Chi-square test calculation resulted in  p-value 0.006 or p <0.05

CONCLUSION.  There is a correlation between parity to the success of breastfeeding, so counseling for mothers especially primiparas needs to be improved on how to breastfeed.


Keywords: success of breastfeeding, 3 days of Post-artum, Parity.


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How to Cite

Keberhasilan Ibu Menyusui Di Tiga Hari Pertama Post-Partum Berdasarkan Paritas Ibu Di RSUD DR. H. Moch. Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin. (2019). Proceeding Of Sari Mulia University Midwifery National Seminars, 1(1), 63-72.