Effect of Delayed Cord Cutting on Hemoglobin Levels in newborns: A Literature Review Pengaruh Penundaan Pemotongan Tali Pusat Terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin Pada Bayi Baru Lahir : Literatur Review
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Background: The umbilical cord is the link between mother and infant, through which all oxygen, nutrients, and blood are passed through the umbilical cord to the infant. The infant will be separated from the placenta through clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord.
Objective: To identify hemoglobin levels in infants by clamping the umbilical cord, and identify the optimal time for cutting the umbilical cord.
Methodology: This study used a Literature Review approach study using several existing sources as many as 15 articles or selected journals. Result: an increase in hemoglobin levels at a delay of <1 minute was 11.69-19.02 gr%, 2 minutes by 14 , 5-19.74 gr%, ± 3 minutes for 15.2-24.00 gr%. Clamping the umbilical cord immediately draws 54-60 cc of the baby's blood, whereas a 1 minute deferral of clamping the umbilical cord can result in an additional 80 ml of blood, which will rise to 100 ml at 3 minutes after the infant is born. And the optimal time for the suspension of cord chopping is ± 3 minutes.
Conclusion and Suggestion: Delayed cord clamping has an effect on increasing hemoglobin levels in newborns, and can be used as an alternative to prevent anemia in infants.
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