Implementation Of Health Protocols In The Breastfeeding Process For Breastfeeding Mothers During The Covid-19 Pandemic At PMB Bidan Y Palangka Raya City: An Exploratory Study PELAKSANAAN PROTOKOL KESEHATAN DALAM PROSES MENYUSUI PADA IBU MENYUSUI MASA PANDEMIK COVID-19 DI PMB BIDAN Y KOTA PALANGKA RAYA: STUDY EXPLORATIF

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Wenti Kalawa
Zulliati Zulliati
Sismeri Dona


Background: Exclusive breastfeeding is breastfeeding only in infants 0-6 months without feeding other beverages. The Covid-19 pandemic affects the success of breastfeeding and the achievement of exclusive breastfeeding. There has been no research stating the transmission of Covid-19 through breast milk, but rather through droplets containing the Covid-19virus, so who made the Breastfeeding Protocol during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Objectives: Explore and dig further information about the implementation of health protocols in the process of breastfeeding in nursing mothers during the Covid-19 pandemic in PMB midwife Y Palangka Raya city.

Method: This type of research is descriptive explorative qualitative. The subjects of the study were 5 mothers postpartum day 1-7 who were breastfeeding, maternity in PMB midwife Y, treated at PMB or have returned home but still monitored midwife Y. Sampling techniques using purposive sampling. Data analysis using Interactive analysis techniques.

Result: Of the 5 informants obtained 3 people carrying out health protocols in PMB and at home, 2others only in PMB. Obtained 3 people using the technique of 6 steps of handwashing and 2 others do not. As well as 2 people using medical masks 3 others using cloth masks, in this case, the purchase of medical masks is an obstacle.

Conclusion: The implementation of health protocols in the process of breastfeeding is carried out in PMB and at home, although it has not been disciplined in accordance with applicable health protocols. Cloth masks become an alternative to overcome the constraints of purchasing medical masks


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How to Cite
Implementation Of Health Protocols In The Breastfeeding Process For Breastfeeding Mothers During The Covid-19 Pandemic At PMB Bidan Y Palangka Raya City: An Exploratory Study: PELAKSANAAN PROTOKOL KESEHATAN DALAM PROSES MENYUSUI PADA IBU MENYUSUI MASA PANDEMIK COVID-19 DI PMB BIDAN Y KOTA PALANGKA RAYA: STUDY EXPLORATIF. (2024). Proceeding Of Sari Mulia University Midwifery National Seminars, 3(1), 32-46.

How to Cite

Implementation Of Health Protocols In The Breastfeeding Process For Breastfeeding Mothers During The Covid-19 Pandemic At PMB Bidan Y Palangka Raya City: An Exploratory Study: PELAKSANAAN PROTOKOL KESEHATAN DALAM PROSES MENYUSUI PADA IBU MENYUSUI MASA PANDEMIK COVID-19 DI PMB BIDAN Y KOTA PALANGKA RAYA: STUDY EXPLORATIF. (2024). Proceeding Of Sari Mulia University Midwifery National Seminars, 3(1), 32-46.


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