D Descriptive Study of the Implementation of Maternal and Child Health Services during the Covid 19 Pandemic at Anjir Pasar Health Center in 2020 STUDI DESKRIPTIF PELAKSANAAN PELAYANAN KESEHATAN IBU DAN ANAK PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID 19 DI PUSKESMAS ANJIR PASAR TAHUN 2020

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Siti Maimunah
Istiqamah Istiqamah
Sismeri Dona


Background: Maternal and child health (MCH) services provided by midwives at the Anjir Pasar Community Health Center are facing serious challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The increase in COVID-19 cases has caused barriers to service delivery, such as low compliance with health protocols and mothers' fear of accessing health services. From April to September 2020, 24 positive cases of COVID-19 were recorded, with 3 maternal deaths, whereas in the previous year there were no deaths.

Objectives: This study aims to describe the implementation of maternal and child health services during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Anjir Pasar Health Center in 2020.

Methods: The method used was exploratory descriptive research with a qualitative approach, involving 4 midwives and 1 nutritionist as the main informants, as well as the head of the Puskesmas and one patient as triangulation informants.

Results: The study showed that the COVID-19 pandemic had a major impact on the implementation of MCH services. There are changes in schedules and types of services, with problems of compliance with health protocols and limited infrastructure, such as rapid tests that are still limited. SOPs used in health services have not been written, so officers have not fully used personal protective equipment (PPE) according to standards.

Conclusion: There are changes in the service schedule and form of MCH services, although the implementation has not fully complied with the established health standards. Adaptation is needed to improve the quality of MCH services during the pandemic and follow good health protocols.

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How to Cite
D Descriptive Study of the Implementation of Maternal and Child Health Services during the Covid 19 Pandemic at Anjir Pasar Health Center in 2020: STUDI DESKRIPTIF PELAKSANAAN PELAYANAN KESEHATAN IBU DAN ANAK PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID 19 DI PUSKESMAS ANJIR PASAR TAHUN 2020. (2021). Proceeding Of Sari Mulia University Midwifery National Seminars, 3(1), 56-64. https://doi.org/10.33859/psmumns.v3i1.699

How to Cite

D Descriptive Study of the Implementation of Maternal and Child Health Services during the Covid 19 Pandemic at Anjir Pasar Health Center in 2020: STUDI DESKRIPTIF PELAKSANAAN PELAYANAN KESEHATAN IBU DAN ANAK PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID 19 DI PUSKESMAS ANJIR PASAR TAHUN 2020. (2021). Proceeding Of Sari Mulia University Midwifery National Seminars, 3(1), 56-64. https://doi.org/10.33859/psmumns.v3i1.699


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