P Preparation For Breastfeeding Through the Participation of The Husband In The Class Of Pregnant Women


  • Fitri Yuliana Program Studi Sarjana Kebidanan, Fakultas Kesehatan, Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Istiqamah Istiqamah Sari Mulia University
  • Sismeri Dona Sari Mulia University


Role of the Husband, Pregnancy Women's Classes, Oxytocin Massage Education, Exclusive Breastfeeding


Providing breast milk without any additional supplements from the time the baby is born is very important to maintain the baby's immune system so that he does not get sick easily. Babies who are not breastfed have twice the risk of suffering from diarrhea compared to babies who are breastfed. Failure to breastfeed is often caused by breast milk not coming out after giving birth and the condition of the nipples. One effort to facilitate breastfeeding is to increase the hormone oxytocin in the body through oxytocin massage. Oxytocin massage can increase feelings of comfort, increase myoepithelial contractions of the mammary glands so that breast milk flows smoothly. The husband's involvement in successful breastfeeding begins during the pregnancy period, especially the third trimester, so that at birth he is ready to provide breast milk, so there is a need for class guidance for pregnant women accompanied by the husband in the form of educational materials and demonstrations of oxytocin massage. The method of this activity is providing information in the form of counseling and practice through the preparation, implementation and evaluation stages. This activity was attended by 20 pregnant women, one cadre, and one nutrition officer. The activity began with the delivery of material, educational videos and oxytocin massage practice guided by midwives to their husbands, then continued with discussion and evaluation through practical posttests and quizzes with prizes. During the activity, husbands and family members were very enthusiastic about participating in the practice, even though there were still pregnant women who were not accompanied by their husbands, the activity was able to run smoothly. The activity continues with an evaluation via the WhatsApp group and a repeat pregnancy visit within one month. The husband's role in supporting the success of exclusive breastfeeding is not only in material form, but also morally, the husband provides direct support, from helping with pregnancy care to postpartum care, no matter how small the husband's support can help pregnant women relieve the tension they will face during the pregnancy. the process of pregnancy and childbirth


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How to Cite

P Preparation For Breastfeeding Through the Participation of The Husband In The Class Of Pregnant Women. (2024). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Tangguh, 3(1), 104-110. https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/semnaspkm/article/view/1211