P Perawan Langkar ( Caring For Women’s Uterus Through Early Detection Of Servical Cancer With Iva Test ) In The Working Area Of The Paringin Selatan Health Center


  • Ismeily Rizni UNISM Banjarmasin
  • Winda Maolinda Sari Mulia University
  • Nurul Hidayah Sari Mulia University


IVA test, Cancer, Cervix


The number of cervical cancer sufferers in Indonesia is increasing every year, most of these cancer sufferers who come to health facilities are already in an advanced stage, this is thought to be due to inadequate screening programs. Health promotion and early detection are priorities to prevent and treat cervical cancer. One method of early detection that is simple and can be done is to carry out an IVA test (Visual Inspection of Acetic Acid), this examination is very easy to do and the results will be visible in 2-3 minutes. Therefore, the South Paringin Community Health Center is holding a free mass examination to detect cervical cancer early, the activity will be held on December 9 2023 at the South Paringin Community Health Center which starts at 09.00 WITA, participants in this activity are women who are married and actively in a relationship. sex, funding for this activity comes from the APBD budget of the Balangan Regency P2PL Midwife Health Service. From this activity, the results showed that 59 women underwent examinations out of a target number of 80 people (73.75%) with negative IVA test results of 59 people, and there was an increase in achievement from the previous 7.5% to 81.25%. From this activity, it is hoped that in the future there will be regular IVA tests, so that early detection of cervical cancer can always be carried out.


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How to Cite

P Perawan Langkar ( Caring For Women’s Uterus Through Early Detection Of Servical Cancer With Iva Test ) In The Working Area Of The Paringin Selatan Health Center. (2024). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Tangguh, 3(1), 222-229. https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/semnaspkm/article/view/1261