Efforts to Improve Pregnancy Visit Outcomes With KASMARAN (Family Standby Towards Healthy and Safe Pregnancy/Delivery) at Beruntung Raya Banjarmasin Health Center Area


  • Masnengtilah Kamahusa Program Studi Pendidikan Profesi Bidan , Fakultas kesehatan, Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Dwi Rahmawati Program Studi Sarjana Kebidanan, Fakultas kesehatan, Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Desilestia Dwi Salmarini Program Studi Sarjana Kebidanan, Fakultas kesehatan, Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Mariana Mariana Puskesmas Beruntung Raya Banjarmasin


Pragnancy, Antenata care, Pregnancy counseling, Awarnes


Pregnancy is a natural condition that has the potential for complications. Antenatal care (ANC) is an important program to reduce maternal and infant mortality. However, at the Beruntung Raya Health Center, the coverage of pregnant women's health services has not reached the set target, with various contributing factors such as lack of family involvement.
This activity aims to increase awareness and knowledge of pregnant women and families regarding the importance of ANC and the role of the family during pregnancy and childbirth. We also aimed to increase pregnancy visits (K1, K4 to K6) at the Beruntung Raya Health Center to reach the target according to the Minimum Service Standards (MSS). This activity is carried out through direct counseling to pregnant women, husbands, and families at the Beruntung Raya Health Center. Counseling activities were carried out by involving cadres, MCH midwives, and community elements. Pre and post tests were used to evaluate participants' knowledge before and after counseling. After counseling, there was a significant increase in the knowledge of pregnant women and families regarding the importance of ANC and the role of the family. Evaluation results showed an increase from a pre-test mean score of 72.7 to a post-test mean score of 91.8. Hopefully, this increase in knowledge can encourage pregnant women and families to routinely conduct antenatal check-ups. Through the counseling activity "Family Alertness Towards Healthy and Safe Pregnancy / Childbirth", it succeeded in increasing the knowledge of pregnant women and families and motivating them to routinely perform ANC. This is expected to contribute to achieving the target coverage of pregnancy visits at the Beruntung Raya Health Center and reducing maternal and infant health risks. The next step is to conduct a follow-up evaluation and expand this program to achieve a broader impact in improving the health of pregnant women and infants.


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How to Cite

Efforts to Improve Pregnancy Visit Outcomes With KASMARAN (Family Standby Towards Healthy and Safe Pregnancy/Delivery) at Beruntung Raya Banjarmasin Health Center Area. (2024). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Tangguh, 3(1). https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/semnaspkm/article/view/1386