S SUKUR AMIA (Anti Anemia Date Milk) In the Working Area of the Lanjas Health Center


  • Dewi Sumaida Ramdiana Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Fitri Yuliana Sari Mulia University


Pregnant Women, Milk, Date Palm


One of the causes of anemia in pregnant women is due to a lack of nutritional intake which affects the fulfillment of iron needs. In Indonesia, iron supplementation has become a government policy to reduce the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia (ADB) and support iron deficiency prevention programs through the provision of iron preparations. Iron supplementation is important for the body because a normal iron diet alone cannot meet daily iron needs. Dates contain carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, vitamins, potassium, iron which function to replace energy lost when experiencing anemia. Based on the analysis of the problem in the UPT Puskesmas Lanjas Work Area, there is still a lack of achievement in taking blood supplement tablets. Based on studies that have been carried out, 66.67% of pregnant women do not comply with taking blood supplement tablets. This was confirmed by conducting interviews with 5 pregnant women who were found to be pregnant. 2 pregnant women admitted that they did not take blood supplement tablets because they could not stand the smell, while 3 other people admitted that they often forgot to take them. The innovation "SUKUR AMIA" (Anti Anemia Date Milk) is one way to increase the achievement of taking blood supplement tablets by providing non-pharmacological therapy to pregnant women. The non-pharmacological therapy that will be carried out is by making date milk to prevent anemia in the Lanjas Health Center Working Area. The educational method used is cooperative learning using leaflets and explanations regarding making it using power points and distributing date milk to pregnant women. The results of the activity show that pregnant women know about dates as a fruit that can treat and prevent anemia. As a result of the evaluation, they felt helped by this activity and hope that activities like this will continue and can be applied to pregnant women


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How to Cite

S SUKUR AMIA (Anti Anemia Date Milk) In the Working Area of the Lanjas Health Center. (2024). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Tangguh, 3(1), 357-362. https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/semnaspkm/article/view/1303